Meet Michelle
"A person is a person because he recognizes others as persons" - Desmond Tutu
Meet Michelle. July will mark 5 years since I met Michelle [Michelle, I think we should have an anniversary date].
The thing about Michelle is, she is one of the most beautiful people I know. Of course, these pictures show her outward beauty, but as a co-worker her beautiful personality taught me to trust in finding friendship and mentorship in the workplace.
My parents used to joke that they were my parents not my friends. And then, throughout many different jobs, supervisors followed the theme by being strictly business with no emotional ties. They were supervisors, not friends. They would approve time cards, but they couldn't tell if I was having a stellar or terrible day.
But Michelle could.
She could tell by the inflection in my voice when she called to check in on a project if there was something to celebrate or if there was something to pray about ... and asking "tell me about your day" became a priority over a deadline. Or she would hear of something awesome happening in my life, and I would receive a text or a card to celebrate with me. Michelle taught me that she saw me and others in our organization as people, not just task workers. People with lives, where the good, bad, and ugly happened. And she wanted to be a part of it too.
And then Michelle taught me how to grow. Michelle met me when I was an eager millenial. Okay, technically I still fall into that millenial generation. However, when she met me, I wanted to do everything. Michelle supported my crazy. She showed me how to slow down. She patiently talked me through my chaos. And whether she meant to or not, she taught me the value in being happy with where I am and being great at it. Since learning that skill [and patiently getting stronger at it], I have found myself in many moments of confusion with how I need to exist and support, yet Michelle has never left me.
I scroll LinkedIn daily reading article's about how to create the ideal work environment, how to advocate for yourself in your job, and how to ensure that you are feeling fulfilled in your role. I think of how I can support my friends and coworkers when they ask my advice in their jobs and here it is... My wish for you, find a Michelle. Find a person in your company that will pour into you. Who will believe in you. Who's values align with yours and will keep you accountable to positive growth.
Find a Michelle.
Someone who will recognize you as a person, not just a worker. And CELEBRATE with you.
She is a great boss, supervisor, mentor, and friend. Nice blog!