
Kyle and Jesse, I saved you some time and collected all of the pictures I have hash tagged with #theseareafeofmyfavoritethings.

But really, I have a lot of favorite things and until recently I felt guilty about that.

Google says:
noun: a person or thing that is especially popular or particularly well liked by someone.
(first) choice, pick, preference, pet, darling, the apple of one's eye
adjective: preferred before all others of the same kind
best-loved, most-liked, favored, dearest

Okay Tauna, be real with yourself. Noun or adjective, which is more likely to be used in your repertoire. Ugh, I found myself in a state of ambivalence and knew that only Momo would enjoy trying to help me figure this one out.

The matter of fact was, it didn't matter for me. People have poked fun at my ambivalence in my "favorite things" for as long as I remember but the recent use of this hash tag taken from my dad's favorite childhood film (the phrase not the hashtag 😂) made it evident that I clearly had a problem playing favorites. But in these last few weeks, I am grateful because I realized that it is a reflection of how I love. I love life and when faced with a question of picking favorite things, it is hard to land on just one.

I have felt guilty about this until Ainsley asked me the other night what my favorite food was...

Self-talk: Favorite food? Who picks a favorite food? I love mac n' cheese, bacon, hawaiian pizza, peanut butter on vanilla ice cream....
Me to Ainsley: Well sweetie, I don't have a favorite.
Ainsley: But mom, if you could only eat one thing forever... what would it be...
Self-talk: Shoot, this kid just won't let it go but my answer still doesn't change.
Me to Ainsley: Well, I guess that answer would be whatever God gives me because I love food and I think no matter what food I had forever, I grow tired of it at some point...

...all that to say, she then rolled her eyes, told me I was silly, and went back to playing with her baby dolls. But in that moment, I realized all of the things that are my favorites are all blessings bestowed upon me. When I look at all of the things I hashtag with #theseareafewofmyfavoritethings, I see pictures that bring joy, love, laughter, peace, and proof of His goodness.

With that, I accepted, I will never be that person who has ultimate favorites. I choose to love things and that in turn makes my use of the word favorite more likely to be in the form of an adjective describing my love for life.

And for the sake of enlightening my community, here are all of my Instagram pictures with that hashtag. It was fun to go back and search them out because it became evident that there are places, people, food, drinks, and things that are constants in my life in bringing joy, happiness, and love to my heart. All that to say, collecting these pictures validated my reflection on why I have a collection of favorite things.


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