Just a Little Catch Up

Sometimes there are just those days, weekends, or weeks where I just want to check into a retreat center and say "nope, I just need a break". Man, after the last two weeks, life was catching up with me. Every night there had been something, if not two things. I should probably clarify, I loved each and every one of them, but the constant busyness had me waiting for the "oh crap" moment when I forgot something major just because I couldn't keep my head on straight.

I am proud to say, I didn't get there. Woo hoo! As the end of the week drew near, I was excited. My Friday schedule was like a dream, a day to catch up on my emails and admin work and an afternoon appointment with my counselor to digest those anxieties, hiccups, and over scheduling conundrums that had led me to near tears a few times that week. And sure enough, my expectations were met. Friday gave me space to prepare for a weekend of bucket filling activities. 

It's such a gift to unload your overwhelmed mind. Sometimes the self-talk and list making just doesn't stop and I end up in a fit of giggles realizing how ridiculous I am. God bless those in my life who hold my hand through it all (especially J, dad, Chlo, and Ashley). As I near my 30th birthday, I may have been a little too over analytical while reflecting on the last ten years. But I was realizing that this habit I have of becoming super busy had its pluses and minuses, and so this year it has been a journey to be more intentional on how busyness is actually spent. 

This weekend was spent with people I love. From sharing in birthday celebrations to being soccer mom to cookie baking to movie watching. The cozy family time was interrupted only for the very important UW vs Oregon game with my favorite guy, and I was totally okay with that. 

In sharing these moments with miss Ainsley, it occurred to me how old she is getting. Now that she is thoroughly enjoying playing her first team sport, soccer is totally her thing. She is learning important lessons, like when the aggressive player on the other team stiff arms you over and over and over... you might have to use a little shoulder. The independence she shows in even the little things like baking cookies, blows my mind too. On the other hand, it can be a little humbling now that she can read and correct me when I am doing the steps out of order or in a hurry. Ironically, this batch of cookies was WELL liked, more so than many I have made in the last year... I give her credit since we actually followed every step. ;)

Moral of the story, while I am sitting here writing about how I learned a lesson in busyness, I know that that lesson will slip away from me again and I'll get caught up in life. But I am so grateful for this weekend and the opportunity to be present... and for a purple and gold domination on Montlake. 


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