Today was a Monday

Today was a Monday. I was so cozy in bed this morning, and then that sweet alarm went off. You know this one...

I set my alarms with those titles months ago after reading this blog about the power of subliminal positivity. How sometimes, those subtle little messages can be reminders of how blessed we are. Well, today I woke up feeling blessed... and wanting to stay snuggled in bed. 

As I arrived at the office, I sat down and took a solid three minutes trying to gather my thoughts so I could begin my day. These last few weeks (or months rather) have been a roller coaster. A colleague I greatly respect went for a walk with me last week and mentioned the cycle of productivity she finds herself battling. And this morning, that was where I was at, contemplating where I exist in this vicious cycle of productivity. I am most productive when I continue producing, and lately, everything has been so scattered and back n' forth and yes n' no.... my productivity feels like it is at a stale mate. Don't get me wrong, I keep getting my tasks checked off but I miss being able to be awesome at it or being able to own my own production. 

I knew today was going to take an insane amount of coffee, and patience. 

My first order of business, was to complete my open enrollment for insurance. Which meant taking my Rally test so they can see how healthy I am so that I can get a bonus to my monthly insurance. Each year, I go into this process thinking to myself what over-under I am giving myself to my current age. I said 10 years, with the year I have had and the stress I knew I was going to admit to, I was worried I was going to end up being 40 when they popped up that magic number at the end.

BUT GUESS WHAT! I am two years younger! Hurray! I guess I am doing better than I thought. That moment helped me do a 180 in my day. I may not be snuggled up in my bed, but the gentle nudge from life that you don't always need to be so hard on yourself was refreshing. 

After that I plugged in. I got into my podcasts and I completed 5 major to-do's from my lists and responded to 37 emails of importance. I won Monday. I beat you at your own game.

If you had a Monday that defined you, remind it that you're in control... and if you need some help or want to just take a break from the story's you are telling yourself or the self-doubt you may be caught up in, check out the podcasts below. They are great.

Podcast Love
Elevation Church: How To Build Your Vision From The Ground Up (Thank you Stacy for the recommendation!)
Fierce Marriage: Communication, 5 Habites for Hearing and Being Heard the Healthy Way
Pursuit with Purpose
Accused (this one is like a real life murder mystery story)
Fantasy Football Guys (because I try to keep up with Jared)


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