
2018 was the year of surrender for me. I have always been a take charge person. One who needed to know the how's and why's, and lead. But last year, it was easy for me to pick a word of the year that meant giving that up in a way. Surrendering my need to be in control or have things my way, taught me a lot. Surrender led me to new places and ultimately showed me that brokenness can't be fixed but rather forgiven and healed.

As December 2018 was concluding, my annual vision board party brought many hopes for 2019. But no focus word. New Years Resolutions never really worked for me, that's why I always loved my word. And I felt stuck that one wasn't arising.

New Year's Day came and went without much sparkle this year. 2019 was just here. The anticipation of a new year had always been fun for me. New focus word, an opportunity to say adios to the chaos of previous years and chance to continue to build upon all the good God had been showing. It has been a mile marker. But next thing I knew, it was January 9th and I had no idea why I was feeling complacent about this 2019. Until I walked into work and a co-worked led me to my word.

faith·​ful | \ˈfāth-fəl  \
1 : steadfast in affection or allegiance

That's my 2019 word of the year. 

Sure, January hasn't started out glamorous and full of my usual hope, but this year is going to be faithful and I to it.

Choosing faithful with continue to remind me of my dedication to my relationships. My friendships and partner. My family. My choice to continue to love them and show patience and grace. Choosing faithful will remind me to look to God's faithfulness, His plan and how His promise will continue to bless Ainsley and I. Choosing faithful will challenge me, because sometimes it feels easy to curl up in my bed and take a nap and not want to "show up" but choosing faithful will push me to be steadfast.

Being faithful, is so much more than what it will do for me. My hope is that by choosing to be faithful, I can model what I hope for in my life. And to create a space around me, where I am ultimately replaceable in that faithfulness. Where, if one day in the distant future I am no longer here, there are people in my circles, that are faithful to one another, maybe just because of a sliver of my faithfulness to them, myself, or my faith.

Faithful, you and I are going to become quite tight this year. 


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